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Perubahan  iklim merupakan masalah krusial yang tengah dihadapi masyarakat dan harus segera ditanggulangi. Meskipun tidak mungkin dihentikan, perubahan iklim ini masih dapat diperlambat dengan berbagai cara. Berbagai pihak telah mengupayakan hal tersebut, tidak terkecuali Dewan Nasional Perubahan Iklim (DNPI) yang merupakan bagian dari Kementrian Lingkungan Hidup Republik Indonesia dengan menyelenggarakan acara annual "Youth for Climate Camp" atau YFCC.
Dalam acara edukatif lingkungan ini, FBS diwakilkan oleh Sapta Abimanyu, mahasiswa Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris 2011. Esainya yang berjudul "Baduy's Culture: A Solution for Environmental Problems" mengangkat budaya suku Baduy yang sangat menjaga keseimbangan alam. "Essay saya ini sebenarnya adalah tugas kuliah saya yang telah lalu. Saya senang mendapatkan kesempatan untuk berbagi dan mendiskusikan essay saya dalam forum ini," tandasnya.
Kegiatan yang diselenggarakan di Taman Wiladatika Cibubur ini sengaja menyasar generasi muda, karena merekalah agen perubahan yang memiliki andil  besar dalam penanggulangan perubahan iklim di masa mendatang. Mereka pulalah yang pasti akan merasakan dampak permasalahan ini sehingga perlu diberikan bekal kepada mereka terkait dengan penanggulangan perubahan iklim.
Abimanyu bersama 125 peserta lain dari berbagai universitas di Indonesia berkesempatan untuk berdiskusi dengan mantan Menteri Lingkungan Hidup Indonesia, Prof. Dr. Rachmat Witoelar, yang menjadi pembicara utama sekaligus penasehat dalam YFCC 2013 ini.
Beberapa pembicara lain yang hadir di antaranya Muhammad Bijaksana Junerosano (CEO Greeneration Indonesia), Gracia Paramitha (UNEP-TUNZA Youth Advisory Council on Asia Pacific Region), dan Untung Widyanto (Wartawan Tempo). Selain itu, sebagai bentuk dukungan kepada kegiatan peduli lingkungan ini, hadir pula perwakilan JICA (Japan International Cooperation Agency) di Indonesia, Jun Ichihara.
"Saya sangat senang bisa mewakili FBS dalam acara tersebut. Banyak ilmu dan pengalaman yang dapat diimplementasikan dalam kehidupan untuk menjaga kestabilan lingkungan, agar iklim tetap bersahabat dengan manusia," ujar Abimanyu yang juga merupakan pengurus Koalisi Pemuda Hijau Indonesia (KOPHI). Kecintaannya terhadap lingkungan terus mendorongnya untuk melakukan berbagai aksi nyata terkait penanggulangan perubahan iklim. Latar belakang pendidikannya yang tidak memiliki kaitan erat dengan lingkungan justru memotivasinya untuk terus mengampanyekan gaya hidup ramah lingkungan.
Bagi Abimanyu, semua pihak mengemban tanggung jawab akan keseimbangan lingkungan. "Saya ingin merintis dan membangkitkan kelompok pemerhati lingkungan yang ada di UNY. Sayang sekali mereka tidak dapat berkembang karena kurangnya perhatian dan sumber daya yang berpengalaman."
Saat ini Abimanyu tengah giat mengajak mahasiswa, baik FBS, UNY, maupun seluruh mahasiswa di Yogyakarta untuk ikut serta dalam aksi "Kali Code Bersih". Salut untuk Abi! (Zakiyah K)
sumber : http://uny.ac.id/berita/abimanyu-wakili-fbs-dalam-youth-climate-change-2013.html
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Modern Education - an English-Instructional-Technology Reflection

·         In modern education, the learner is the center of instruction
·         The teacher and syllabus are only facilitative elements of instruction
·         The learning process in school is simulated the real life in society.

Assumptions about modern education (Kemp, 1977: 4) are described below.

1. More individualized approach to learning
The teacher pays attention to each student who has different character and interest in the class gets the appropriate instructional attention and treatment by teachers.

2. Learner’s active participation
In modern school, teaching process is run with the learners being active the instructional activities. The teacher also must provide techniques so that the students can be interestedly active in instructional activities.

3. Positive attitudes toward the learner
Different student has different potency to develop. A teacher has to look at the positive sides of the students, so that the potency of which each student has can be developed maximally.

4. Effective utilization of media
The modern school does not mean that it is equipped with compli­cated electronic instruments and other such sophisticated accessories. The teacher has to be able to utilize the media, even if it is a non-sophisticated media, well.

5. Flexible process elements
The process elements in an instructional system (interaction, student, teacher, subject material, assessment, etc.) may be related to the teaching material and activities.
In modern education the classroom is not seen as the one and only source of learning. The modern teacher makes use a large variety of venues to facilitate students’ learning.

6. Involvement of the school in the society life
A modern school should have something to do with their surroundings (society). Learning teaching processes are designed and conducted in such a way that they include the society problems in it.
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Analysis of the Poem “Winter” by William Shakespeare


This poem consists of in two stanzas with nine lines in each stanza.
This poem tries to describe extremely cold winter happened in Europe in that time. The poem also gives such example of activities and conditions which only happen in winter (icicles hang by the wall, milk come frozen home in pail, bird sit brooding in the snow). At the end of each stanza, it’s told something ironic in the winter: when an owl sings a song which is actually bad and scary becomes good and enjoyable for people in the winter.

When icicles hang by the wall 

This line describes how cold the weather is by saying the ice that hangs down from the roof. In this line we have visual image. In daily language, we usually only say that the weather is extremely cold.

And Dick the shepherd blows his nail

This line talks about the effect of winter to a person. A shepherd named Dick who is sitting outside suffering from the cold weather and he is trying to warm his hand. In this line we have image of feeling. In daily language, we usually only say that there’s a shepherd who feels very cold.

And Tom bears logs into the hall

This line also talks about the effect of winter to a person. Another man called Tom works very hard in cutting the wood, carries them and stores in the warehouse. In this line we have visual image. In daily language, we usually only say that there’s a person who work harder to collect wood in the winter season.

And milk comes frozen home in pail

This line talks about something surrounding people in the winter. The milk becomes frozen from the very cold weather. In this line we have visual image. In daily language we usually only say that the milk is frozen.

When blood is nipped and ways be foul

This line tells the condition inside people’s body in the winter and the condition surrounding their houses. The blood in the veins of the people becomes frozen and all the roads are very dirty. In this line we have image of feeling and visual image (the skin and dirty roads). In daily language, we usually only say that the veins of people get trouble and the roads are dirty.
Then nightly sings the staring owl

This line informs that every night there’s an owl is singing it is song "Tu-with_tu-who". In this lie we have hearing image. 


This tells the song that the owl usually sings. It is a bad and scary sound. In this line we have hearing image. 

A merry note

This line points out an irony. The sound of the owl is very bad and scary but people think it is good beause it is the only sound that can be heard in winter. In this line we have hearing image. 

While greasy Joan doth keel the pot

This line tells the activity a person does in winter. The dirty Joan is keeling the pot that means she is preparing the warm food in a cold winter. In this line we have visual image.

When all aloud the wind doth blow

This line describes the loud sound of the wind in winter. In this line we have hearing image. In daily language we usually only say that the wind blows.

And coughing drowns the parsons saw

This line describes the condition in a church in winter. The cough sounds of people hamper the sermon delivered by a parson. In this line we have hearing image and metaphor. In daily language, we usually only say that the cough sound of sick people makes the sermon neglected.

And birds sit brooding in the snow

This line tells the activity of birds in winter. The birds are only sitting and not singing because of the snowy weather. In this line we have visual image.

And Marian's nose looks red and row

This line talks about the effect of winter to a person. A girl named Marian has a red and row nose because of the cold weather and sickness. In this line we have visual image and metaphor.

When roasted crabs hiss in the bowl

This line tells the sound caused by the roasted crabs, one of the dishes in winter. The dish makes a hissing sound because of the cold weather. In this line we have hearing image. In daily language we usually only say that there’s a hiss caused by roasted crabs.
Then nightly sings the staring owl

This line informs that every night there’s an owl is singing it is song "Tu-with_tu-who". In this lie we have hearing image. 


This tells the song that the owl usually sings. It is a bad and scary sound. In this line we have hearing image. 

A merry note

This line points out an irony. The sound of the owl is very bad and scary but people think it is good beause it is the only sound that can be heard in winter. In this line we have hearing image. 

While greasy Joan doth keel the pot

This line tells the activity a person does in winter. The dirty Joan is keeling the pot that means she is preparing the warm food in a cold winter. In this line we have visual image.

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Workshop of Debating SAFEL UNY 2013

Workshop on Debating (WOD) is an annual program of Public Speaking Department UKM SAFEL UNY. This workshop aims to increase the debating skill of English Debating Society (EDS) UNY members and make people outside EDS UNY members know the basic skill of debating. This year, WOD was held on March 29th – 31st 2013 in Youth Center, Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. This event was held in 3 days with about 18 people joined it. In this event, participants were introduced with two systems of debating: Asian Parliamentary (AP) and British Parliamentary (BP). After knowing the systems, participants were set to have debate competitions with those two different systems. In preliminary rounds, members of each team were selected randomly.  The six best speakers of AP Debate would go to AP debate final round and eight best speakers of BP Debate would go to BP debate final round. The best team and the best speaker of each debate competition would get prizes.
In Asia Parliamentary debate, there are three motions of preliminary rounds
  1. This House Would Subsidize Companies that are willing to Rewrite Classic Fairy Tales to Correct Gender Discrimination and Stereotyping
  2. This House Would Impose Tax on Fatty Food
  3. This House Would Require University Students to Work in Their Country of Origin for a Number of Years after Graduation
After passing the preliminary rounds, 6 speakers were selected to go to the final. They are:
  1. Zidnie Ilma
  2. Sinta Yuliani Alviningrum
  3. Astrinda Nilasastri
  4. Egie Danarko
  5. Puguh Haryanto
  6. Endah Ratnasari
In the final round, they were divided into two teams, affirmative and negative. The affirmative team consisted of Egie, Puguh, and Endah. The negative team consisted of Zidnie, Sinta, and Astrinda.
The motion of the final round of Asian Parliamentary debate is This House Believe That Religious Leaders Should Not Enter Politics.
After having a very dynamic debate, a team was selected as the winner. The negative team (Zidnie, Sinta, Astrinda) won the debate.
The speaker’s scores from preliminary round until final round were accumulated. Zidnie Ilma was the best speaker of Asian Parliamentary debate.

In British Parliamentary debate, there are two motions of preliminary rounds
  1. This House Believe that Sex Education in School Should Move from Teaching Safe Sex to Teaching Good Sex
  2. This House Believe that the World Has Learned Nothing from 9/11

After passing the preliminary rounds, 8 speakers were selected to go to the final. They are:
  1. Zidnie Ilma
  2. Sinta Yuliani Alviningrum
  3. Astrinda Nilasastri
  4. Sapta Abimanyu
  5. Puguh Haryanto
  6. Ratna Yunita
  7. Dewi Thufaila
  8. Siti Fadhillah
In the final round, they were divided into four teams; Opening Government, Opening Opposition, Closing Government, and Closing Opposition. The Opening Government team consisted of Siti Fadhillah and Dewi Thufaila. The Opening Opposition consisted of Sapta Abimanyu and Puguh Haryanto. The Closing Government team consisted of Ratna Yunita and Astrinda Nilasastri. The Closing Opposition consisted of Zidnie Ilma and Sinta Yuliani Alviningrum.
The motion of the final round of British Parliamentary debate is This House Believe That It is Justifiable for Government to Destroy Historical Evidence which Can Cause Social Unrest
After having a very dynamic and hot debate, the teams were ranked.
The 1st rank went to Opening Opposition
The 2nd rank went to Opening Government
The 3rd rank went to Closing Government
The 4th rank went to Closing Opposition
The speaker’s scores from preliminary round until final round were accumulated. Dewi Thufaila was the best speaker of British Parliamentary debate.
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Language Keys for Speech

By: Sapta Abimanyu

Greeting the audience
Good morning/Good afternoon/Good evening/Hello/Hi
Addressing the audience
Excellencies/your excellency
Distinguished participants
Ladies and gentlemen
Dear participants
Beloved friends
Opening the speech
It’s my greatest pleasure to be here today.
It is also a particular pleasure to meet with our audience.
The title of my speech is _______
Today, I would like to talk about _______
My topic today is ______
In this occasion, I would like to tell you about ______
I have divided my talk into ______
The first point of my talk is ______
The first point of my speech is ______
Opening the main section
I’d like to start by explaining ______
I’d like to start by suggesting that ______
Moving to a new point
Let me turn to ______
I’d like to turn now to the issue of ______
The important thing about ______ is ______
The thing to remember is ______
The thing is that ______
Okay, Right, All right, Well,
Let me try to conclude our discussion then.
The main points that have been made are ______
Before coming to the end of my speech, I would like to conclude what I’ve explained.
This is the end of my speech, thank you.
I’ll finish here, thank you.
And let me finish here, thank you.
