Masih sangat jelas dalam memori kita kurang lebih empat tahun yang lalu rencana sebuah event JOGJA FESTIVAL yang digelar di Halaman Parkir Stadion Mandala Krida Jogja. Namun event itu akhirnya digagalkan oleh masyarakat Jogja karena dalam event pengobatan atau penyembuhan massal itu terselip sebuah misi PEMURTADAN dengan model doa bersama dipimpin oleh seorang pemuka agama dan dengan muatan sihir, event semacam ini juga diadakan di kota kota besar di luar Jogja dan berhasil mereka jalankan tanpa ada perlawanan dari masyarakat.
Lengahnya masyarakat Jogja saat ini dimanfaatkan oleh mereka kembali dengan mengadakan sebuah event PESTA RAKYAT JOGJA yang digelar pada hari selasa 20 Maret 2012 mulai pukul 12.00 s.d. 20.00 WIB yang bertempat di Alun Alun Utara Yogyakarta, panitia adalah YAYASAN PELITA BANGSA dan berkerjasama dengan LPMK se-DIY. Panitia membagikan KUPON Sembako senilai Rp. 5000,- dan mendapat paket senilai Rp. 30.000,- MURAH! KUPON tersebut dibagikan panitia melalui jaringan RW (Rukun Warga). Akhirnya sukses! Tanpa harus memasang spanduk, baliho, atau media informasi yang lain, hanya dengan modal KUPON dan berkerjasama dengan RW maka informasi tersebut sudah tersebar bahkan sampai masyarakat di wilayah Gunungkidul, Bantul, Muntilan, Kalasan, dll. Pada saat Jadwal Pembagian Sembako yaitu jam 16.00 s.d. 17.00 WIB, puluhan ribu orang berbondong bonding dating ke Alun Alun Utara Yogyakarta. Di lokasi selain Sembako disediakan juga stand : Potong rambut Gratis, Pakaian Murah, bahkan KHITANAN MASSAL. Berdiri juga panggung berukuran 30 x 20 meter di sebelah selatan menghadap utara. Artis artis nasional mulai menghibur masyarakat yang hadir dengan menyanyikan lagu lagu. Sesekali diselingi humor MC dan pembagian Doorprize. Saat jam menunjukkan pukul 16.45 WIB, teriring lantunan musik syahdu… Naiklah seorang orator wanita dengan lantang mengatakan “…sodara sodara sekalian hari ini kita telah mendapat berkat dari Tuhan, berkat yang membuat hidup kita berubah, berubah menjadi lebih baik…” kurang lebih 10 menit maka ganti seorang orator laki laki yang naik panggung dia mengatakan: “Mari kita bersama sama berdoa.. Berdoa bersama saya atas nama Bapa.. Yakin Jogja akan berubah!” Hadirin menjawab : “Yakin..! Berubah mulai saat ini berubah..! Atas nama Tuhan Yesus.. Atas nama Tuhan Yesus.. YHWH.. Amien..”
Sadarlah kalian wahai kaum muslimin!!! Ini terjadi di JOGJA. Sekali lagi ini terjadi di JOGJA yang masyarakatnya begitu toleran terhadap agama. TULISAN INI HANYA SEBUAH INFORMASI KEPADA KALIAN SEMUA MASYARAKAT MUSLIM JOGJA. Semoga kalian sadar dengan kejadian seperti ini mengobarkan semangat koreksi diri dalam perjuangan membela UMAT!
Diketik ulang oleh Sapta Abimanyu
Sumber : Selebaran di Masjid Al Mujahidin UNY pada hari Jumat, 23 Maret 2012
We still clearly remember about Jogja Festival in Parking Area of Mandala Krida Stadium which was held 4 years ago. But, it was finally failed because the people of Jogja had known that there is an APOSTATE mission in that event which was led by a religious figure with the magic power. This kind of event was also held in some big cities and it was successfully held without a protest of the society.
Some days ago, the weakness of Jogja people has been being used by them back. They held an event named PESTA RAKYAT JOGJA on Tuesday, March 20th 2012 at 12.00 pm until 10.00 pm in North City Park of Yogyakarta. The committee was YAYASAN PELITA BANGSA, cooperated with Yogyakarta LPMK. The committee spread 5000 IDR valued TICKETs and person who had the TICKET would get 30,000 IDR valued of primary need of food (Sembako) packet. IT’S CHEAP! The TICKETs were spread by the committee and RW. The committee didn’t have to set banner, ballyhoo and the other information media to spread them, even the TICKETs had been spread until Gunungkidul, Bantul, Muntilan, and Kalasan area. When the Sembako distribution time (04.00 pm until 05.00 pm), hundred thousands of people came to North City Park of Yogyakarta. In the location of that event, there were also many stands: Free hair cutting, Cheap Clothes, even A CIRCUMCISION. There was also a 30 x 20 meters stage. National singers entertained the people by singing some songs. Sometime the presenter gave a joke and door prizes. At 04.45 pm, when the forgetting song was playing, a woman orator came to the stage and loudly said, “Ladies and gentlemen, today we have got a God bless, a bless that makes our life changed, changed to a betterment.” About ten minutes later a man orator came to the stage, he said, “Let’s pray together. Pray with me in the name of Father. Believe Jogja will be better!” The audiences answered, “We believe! Jogja will be better. Start from now! In the name of Jesus, in the name of Jesus.. YHWH.. Amen”
Hey Muslims wake up!!! It happened in Jogja. Once more, it happened in Jogja whose people have a very big tolerance of religion. THIS TEXT IS ONLY AN INFORMATION FOR YOU ALL THE JOGJA MUSLIMS. I hope you all wake up and do the correction in Muslim’s unity struggle!
Retyped and Translated by Sapta Abimanyu
Source: Leaflet in UNY Mosque (The Al-Mujahidin), Friday, March 23th 2012
I have two different arguments in the case of equality between men and women.
My first argument is I agree that men and women never be equal. In our daily life, men and women have some different degrees. Men are more obligated in finding yield than women. In Islam, men have bigger part than women in distribution of heritage when one of their family members dies. Men also have higher position in family leading and protecting. Naturally, men have stronger power than women.
My second argument is I disagree that men and women never be equal. Everybody has human right. Human right is a fundamental right which is gotten since someone was born. Men and women have the same human right. Nobody can force someone to do something. Men and women also have equality in social, economy, education, law and other sides of life. For example : there is not discrimination of gender in getting education at school. Every students has the same right and obligation.
Being a university student is not easy. Before we enter the university we want, we have to struggle. We must have good score in high school and we have to pass the SNMPTN examination. There are two parts of SNMPTN examination, TPA and study program test. In TPA test, we have to use our logical thinking, while in study program test we have to maximize our knowledge in each study program (science an social). After we pass the SNMPTN, our struggling isn’t over. The learning system in university and high school is different. There is no one controls us like in the high school and we have to study harder.
I have a friend. His name is Nicholas Brian Helverson, but I usually call him Nick. He is seventeen years old. He is tall and fat. He has a pointed nose, white skin, beady green eyes and brown hair. He wears military clothes because he goes to a military university named Norwich University. He enjoys his job because he is in biology/pre-medical study program which is suitable with his ambition. He loves playing music instruments especially guitar. He also loves playing rugby because it is a fun game and it makes him healthy. He lives in Missouri, USA since studying in Missouri Military Academy. He can get many friends from around the world and he likes the environment there.
My friends and I joined The Initiation Night of English Department (Makrab) on Friday until Sunday, October 7th-9th 2011. It was a compulsory event for English Department UNY 2011. It would be held at Omah Jawi Kaliurang. We went there on Friday afternoon by bus. We enjoyed the trip to Omah Jawi because we could see Merapi volcano closer. We arrived there on the evening. We were divided into some groups. Every groups has their own rooms. We had a dinner together at 07.30 p.m. After that, we were entertained by EdsAcoustic and Relung Theater until midnight. Then, we went to sleep.
On the second day, we woke up at 04.30 a.m. We had some agendas on that day. We had Religious Input, Workshops, Competition for Freshmen and Freshmen Group Performances. It was tiring.
On the third day, we had gym and outbound in the morning. Next, we had King and Queen contest. After all agendas of the third day are finished, we went back to UNY. It was fun!
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